How to Get Started in Your Congregation

The easiest way to participate in Song Project is by connecting with foster families in your own congregation. Many churches have families who are fostering children. Approach the foster mom and or dad, and ask permission to write a song for the children in their home.

All you need is the children’s first names. Write a song of hope for the child, with their name in it. (See Guidelines for Writing Songs for songwriting tips). Record the song with whatever means you have. One easy option is to record the song on a smart phone. Then put the song on a CD and gift it to the child (or email the foster parents an MP3).

Another option is to connect with a foster care home in your city. If you need help locating a foster care facility, feel free to contact us, and we will help you.

The possibilities are endless. Get creative! Reach out to a homeless shelter instead. Truly, the point is just to sing hope into the lives of kids who are in a troubled life situation. That may look different in each city and congregation.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Song Project, or for any other questions, please email Anna Blanc.